Houston Texas Lifestyle Photographer
Today is Friday, which means that yesterday was Thursday.
Thursdays. I texted a friend (Aly over at Raising Girl – go check her out!!) yesterday morning after Maxine had emptied my patience tank (which is already only at 25% capacity on Thursday) when she dumped over an entire vase of flowers onto the coffee table, the floor, herself, and my Darling Magazines. I moaned, “You got any tricks up your sleeve for surviving Thursday?”
Thinking that perhaps I was the only stay-at-home mom on the planet that couldn’t handle Thursdays, I was relieved when she replied, “That’s so good to hear, because it’s a hard day for me too. I say, let’s make a small plan to reward ourselves on Thursdays, like something to look forward to?”
Yes! Brilliant! An apple a day. Or rather An Apple On Thursday. The something that would help me – help US (all mothers everywhere) – avoid the “doctor” and survive Thursday. Or whatever your hard day is.
Being up to our ears – nay, we are up to the roof – in a home remodel we don’t have any room for extra expenses and luxuries so I am trying to come up with a list of either free or less than $5 activities I can do with Maxine on days that are just tough. When my patience is drained. When I am tired of being mommy. When I don’t, can’t, won’t tell you to stop dumping the dogs water bowl. When I am quite literally counting down the minutes until my husband gets home (and don’t he DARE be late on Thursdays).
Yesterday the Museum of Fine Arts Houston was free so I loaded Maxine up in the car after her nap and we drove to the museum district for an afternoon at the MFAH and the Cullen Sculpture Garden. And wouldn’t you know – she and I both really loved the afternoon. She crawled around on the floor, pointed to everything, made “oo” and “ah” and “wow” sounds at all. the. things.
So, not only did I survive Thursday, I enjoyed Thursday!! Hallelujah.
So in anticipation of next Thursday, determined to make it another good one (gosh darn it!), I am brainstorming other free/cheap ideas. Scouting out all area parks, picnic in the backyard, neighborhood walk with a friend, snow cones at Mam’s Snoballs, a scoop of ice cream at Fat Cat Creamery, more free museum visits, a splash pad….. I’m still thinking 🙂
What are some of your “apples”, if you will? Please share!
Rocking and munching,
Libraries usually have a weekly kids activity, though it may fall earlier in the week.
Library! Why didn’t I think to check there?? Thank you!
Do you follow Houston on the cheap? It’s a great blog with weekly free (or cheap) things to do around Houston. Lots of good ideas! I just recently discovered the McGovern Centennial Gardens next to the science museum. Park for free in the C lot and go explore. So fun for mama and baby! Libraries are great, Terry Hershey Park for a walk and playground break. we also love exploring at Barnes and Noble. If it fits in nap time, you can visit the police horses between 12-2 Monday-Friday. Just google HPD Mounted Calvary. we did this on Wednesday and my 2 year old didn’t want to leave! Hope you find lots of fun adventures
The mounted Calvary sounds so fun!! Thanks for the suggestions ☺️
Oh I love this post! And so agree with Thursday’s! So glad y’all had a great one yesterday 🙂 When we are having those days, since I don’t have a museum close, we usually hop in the car and head to Home Goods or Target for some home decorating daydreaming. Xander enjoys looking around and getting out of the house, and I get joy out of the trip for clear reasons 😉 I mean, home goods? Target? Come on!
I am a total SUCKER for Home Goods!! All the things!
Lyd and I love baby yoga at the library. They have toddler yoga for walkers too! 🙂
I’ve been wanting to try that out!